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Delete an existing webhoook subscription

With this endpoint you will be able to delete webhooks you have previously created using this API.


The query path in the invocation URL must have the ID of the webhook you want to delete. This ID always start with WHK followed by 36 characters. For example: WHK530c9d58-2259-4ce2-82a8-1941f3a60665.

If you want to obtain the ID required to delete a webhook, you can do so using the List All Webhooks endpoint.


Using the webhook ID WHK530c9d58-2259-4ce2-82a8-1941f3a60665 as example:

curl --location --request DELETE '' \
--header 'X-User-API-Key: your_api_key_here' \
--data ''


The API will return a successful respond if the webhook was correctly deleted

"success": true