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List WhatsApp Group Participants

Get all participants of a WhatsApp group.



You need the UUID of the group to pull this information. You can get it from the List WhatsApp Groups endpoint.

In the examples below, WGP768beeef-2b96-4bc7-9b7f-045078568723 is our group's UUID.

curl -L -G '' \
--header 'X-User-API-Key: your_api_key_here'


The API will return an array of all participants in a given WhatsApp group

"success": true,
"data": {
"uuid": "WGP768beeef-2b96-4bc7-9b7f-045078568723",
"channel_uuid": "WPN95841312-b54d-46e3-b0bc-6414f4a5296b",
"wa_group_id": "",
"profile_pic_url": "...",
"wa_owner_id": "",
"wa_group_name": "2chat test group 👌",
"wa_created_at": "2022-10-23T17:11:41Z",
"wa_subject": "daily motivational quotes 💪",
"size": 3,
"is_muted": false,
"is_read_only": false,
"channel_is_owner": false,
"created_at": "2023-06-22T20:02:56Z",
"updated_at": "2023-07-12T19:18:41Z",
"owner_contact": {
"uuid": "CON1653490d-194b-4992-8353-e4b46a64e321",
"first_name": "Mikey",
"last_name": "Mike",
"channel_uuid": "WPNc568c832-606c-4d50-8092-fc51b5149d16",
"profile_pic_url": "..."
"owner_data": {
"phone_number": "...",
"formatted_phone_number": "...",
"iso_country_code": "MX"
"participants": [
"wa_participant_id": "",
"wa_pushname": "Carlos @ 2Chat",
"profile_pic_url": "...",
"wa_is_super_admin": false,
"wa_is_admin": false,
"device": "ios",
"created_at": "2023-07-11T19:21:45Z",
"updated_at": "2023-07-12T19:18:41Z",
"contact": {
"uuid": "CON767f3ab9-e2c1-48e0-9234-092e835fa089",
"first_name": "2Chat",
"last_name": "UK",
"channel_uuid": null,
"profile_pic_url": null
"phone_number": "+447700176576",
"formatted_phone_number": "+44 7700 176576",
"iso_country_code": "GB"
"wa_participant_id": "",
"wa_pushname": "Mikey",
"profile_pic_url": "...",
"wa_is_super_admin": false,
"wa_is_admin": false,
"device": null,
"created_at": "2023-07-11T19:30:03Z",
"updated_at": "2023-07-12T19:18:41Z",
"phone_number": "+525617554529",
"formatted_phone_number": "+52 56 1755 4529",
"iso_country_code": "MX"
"wa_participant_id": "",
"wa_pushname": null,
"profile_pic_url": null,
"wa_is_super_admin": false,
"wa_is_admin": true,
"device": null,
"created_at": "2023-06-23T19:43:31Z",
"updated_at": "2023-07-12T19:18:40Z",
"contact": {
"uuid": "CON36b2bc38-c21a-4712-8015-99bf2f8001f6",
"first_name": "2Chat",
"last_name": "PAR",
"channel_uuid": "WPNc568c832-606c-4d50-8092-fc51b5149d16",
"profile_pic_url": null
"phone_number": "+595981048477",
"formatted_phone_number": "+595 981 048477",
"iso_country_code": "PY"
FieldDescriptionExample value
owner_dataInformation about the owner of the group, including their phone number
participant.wa_participant_idWhatsApp's internal identifier for the
participant.wa_pushnamePush name or Notify name of the participantMikey
participant.profile_pic_urlURL to the profile picture of the partcipanthttps://
participant.wa_is_super_adminWhether the participant owns the group or nottrue
participant.wa_is_adminWhether the participant is an administrator in group or notfalse
participant.deviceThe participant last known deviceAny of android, ios, or web
participant.phone_numberThe phone number of the participant+595981048477
participant.iso_country_codeThe country code the phone number belongs toPY